The Pyrenees range, on the french side, is cut by deep valleys that make the access to the summits more difficult. However, some place you may find a pass that allow you to get quickly to high mountain landscapes.
La vue proche n'est pas mal on plus. Sous la crête qui prolonge le Tarbésou miroitent trois étangs idylliques bordés de pins à crochets qui se visitent au retour.
From Pailhères Pass you only need an hour of uphill walk to find a gorgeous 360° view.
De l'autre côté de la crête, la dent d'Orlu semble bien petite et pas si vertigineuse.
The color box I brought was a poor bunch of broken Neocolor crayons with a pathetic range of greens.
Petite échappée au delà du col de l'Egue, histoire de jeter un œil sur la réserve de faune d'Orlu.
I love to sketch mountain landscapes because the challenge to make huge spaces fit into a small page is really exciting.
Sous ce soleil de plomb, le topoguide n'exagérait pas en promettant des étangs aux rivages "accueillants et attachants".
You need first to reduce the number of elements to include in your frame.
You need first to reduce the number of elements to include in your frame.
Mais après 4 bonnes heures de marches et 8 grands croquis (doubles pages d'un carnet A4), la journée a été bien remplie.
But the main difficulty you have is to master the depth of field. That reminds me the words of Paul Wang in Barcelona about his way to construct the sketch from the focus point.